Weekend Post
My typical weekends involve a lot of sleeping and relaxing, so i thought that when I was having a more eventful one i should blog it!!
I met up with a friend for a spot of lunch and shopping after going to uni to hand in an essay :( Starbucks is generally my choice for a drink and a chat, I ended up getting the hazelnut macchiato and normally I stick to my usual order but I have to say it was divine :P (defiantly getting that again)

Never let me near a Mac store unattended ,cause I have a endless list of lip products that i want to try...... and will buy (i know I'm not the only one thats guilty of this). After long deliberation I ended up getting Amorous cause I've wanted to try it for a while now, they never seemed to have it when I go into my local store inside Harvey Nichols.

On Sunday morning, as it was a bank holiday weekend I decided to go home to see my family. I feel like i'm constantly traveling from uni to my house, although its not to long a trip to get there its always nice to visit home once in a while. This may not seem like the most exiting weekend but for me this was more on the eventful side compared to normal.
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